The 2022 National Black MBA Association Conference

The 2022 National Black MBA Association Conference: Supporting and Fostering Diversity for Black Americans in Business and Corporate America

By Lauren Clark

One of the intriguing aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic is its encouragement of business ownership.  As many U.S. citizens lost employment, entrepreneurship served as a viable option for many people. Within the Black American community, there was an increase in many business owners, or those deciding to enter into other entrepreneurship endeavors.  In fact, it is evident that a new campaign has arisen for a myriad of generations, who have selectively decided to leave the 9-5 grind in order to fulfill their true calling or purpose.  So, where does this leave those current, and future, generations, who have decided to earn their advanced degrees in the business realm? Furthermore, how does it connect to other fields of study?

In the context of higher education, graduate level degrees in business have consistently been the entry point, as it pertains to access into new opportunities and leaders in the world of business. When it comes to support for Black students-having acquired Master of Business degrees-organizations such as the National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA) is one such group, which hopes to level the playing field for Black graduate students in Business studies. The organization is considered to be one of the largest assemblies of Black business personnel in the United States of America; all the while providing support systems, networking opportunities, and the latest industry incentive for Black MBA professionals. This year marked the 41st conference of the National Black MBA Association, which took place from September 25-28, 2022, in Atlanta, GA. With this congregation of early career professionals and students was a haven of propelling further advancement for Black personnel in the world of business.

The 2022 NBMBAA Conference included more than 250 Fortune 1000 companies.  Attendees were granted the opportunity to meet, and network, with influential leaders shaping the business industry.  Black professionals, who have senior leader positions were also provided with the opportunity to pass career experiences and life-sustaining wisdom to the upcoming generations of business leaders.  

In addition to having a networking component, this year's National Black MBA Conference also included workshops and seminars, which focused on the following skill sets: resume writing, job interview tips, successful networking, and a plethora of others. Attendees, and early-career professionals, also had the opportunity for onsite interviews and job employment. Further additives to the practicum component to the conference are prominent speakers from the business industry.  

Hearing the stories of business leaders, changers, and shakers, significantly contribute to the success of any conference.  Why?  For starters, early-career Black professionals get to hear those first-hand narratives, which are not taught at a university or collegiate level education.  Senior business leaders have the opportunity to highlight their personal testimonies of triumph and failure.  All too often it's the final outcome, which is displayed for successful leaders in business.  Yet, it's imperative for younger, Black professionals to hear those unknown pathways to success.  The fact that the 2022 NBMBAA included motivational speakers in the business industry brings exposure to those individual journeys of fascinating business leaders.  

Of course, the 2022 National Black MBA Conference, held in Atlanta, GA. was also an opportunity for mid-career and senior level Black business professionals to also elevate and enhance their positions. Mid-career professionals and managers were also given networking opportunities; specifically, for those with senior level ambitions.  Workshops for this level of business professionalism included resume enhancement and management. Activities for senior level professionals also included assisting the upcoming generation in the business industry.  Developmental workshops in selecting great homes were also available for senior level personnel.  

Another imperative reason for the 2022 National Black MBA Conference is its consistent encouragement of diversity.  Despite the recent successes of Black Americans in corporate America, they are still largely underrepresented when it comes to management and senior level positions.  Statistically, Black business professionals comprise only 7% of the managerial level. That number further decreases at the senior, VP, and SVP levels with 4% representation. On the basis of entry level professionals, Black Americans represented 12% of that sector.( Such evolving the 2022 National Black MBA Conference.  The significance of the activities serve as supportive resources for marginalized communities in corporate America and other business sectors.  Encouragement for diversity and inclusion is also sustained by a structure, which fosters access to skills and expertise from those with experience in the industry.  Lastly, it is evident that this year's conference in Houston, created a safe space for guests, attendees, and members to highlight some of the challenges they face in the business world.

The success of NBMBAA Conference 2022 serves to further motivate more Black graduate students, early professionals, mid-career, and senior level personnel onto a higher position on the ladder of success.  Other highlights for the conference included discounts on professional headshots, incitement to updated trends in technology, business, and leadership.  Again, it all reverts back to acquiring the opportunities, knowledge, and resources for staying ahead in a competitive industry. Clearly, the initiatives of the 2022 National Black MBA Conference are fulfilling its obligation to ensure success for Black graduate students and business professionals.  The following month aims to highlight similar efforts for Black professionals in technology, at the National Blacks Technology Conference in October 2022.

These past two years have illuminated the significance of the business sector; why more U.S. citizens are becoming entrepreneurs and understanding newer innovations in the business (and technology) worlds. No longer is it sufficient to simply have a bachelor's or advanced degree in Business Studies. On the contrary, more is required.  Understanding the difference among those who achieve success in the business world, those remaining stagnant, and those fading away is crucial.  The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the business and technology worlds into a higher dimension, requiring newer skills and connections.  If the percentage of Black managerial and executive roles are to increase, then organizations such as the National Black MBA Association are crucial more so than previous years.  Activities, workshops, and agendas from their annual conferences are sure to provide the proper support needed for Black graduate students and graduates, as they advance into the Business sector.  The annual NBMBAA Conferences serve as a vital player in ensuring that diversity holds true in corporate America, entrepreneurship, and other sectors of the business world.

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