Stacy Abrams – 2022 Candidate for Georgia’s Governor

Stacy Abrams – 2022 Candidate for Georgia’s Governor

Democrat Stacy Abrams announced that she would be running for Georgia’s Governor against longtime rival, Republican Brian Kemp who in a slim defeat, beat her by less than 1.4 percent in 2018. Stacy Abrams launched her campaign with the message that “opportunity and success in Georgia shouldn’t be determined by your ZIP code, background or access to power.” Abram’s decision to run for Governor comes as no surprise. In a video, Abram pledges to fight for expanded healthcare access and economic equality. In addition, with the voting restrictions that have now been mandated, that puts blacks at a disadvantage, Abrams is even more adamant in her fight for Governor. In 2018, Abrams refused to concede. “I will not concede because the erosion of our democracy is not right,” stated Abrams. Abram’s fight against the “erosion” of voting rights is congruent to President’s Biden’s Reformation Bill, also known as the Freedom to Vote Act. The reform bill will create a set of standards for federal elections to ensure and neutralize voters access to ballot boxes across America. In addition, the bill would require voting precincts to stay open 30 minutes longer as well as make Election Day a National Holiday. The bill will fight against the restrictions that limit and keep blacks from casting their votes; thus allowing their voices to be heard comes as a result of former President Trump who feels as though the 2020 election was stolen from him. The humanity of providing water and snacks while people wait in lines for long periods of time and especially for those who are elderly, is now against the law.

‍ The Senate Republicans have blocked the reform bill for a second time this year. If Abrams wins, she will become the first Black Governor in Georgia and the first Black woman elected Governor in U.S. History- thus ending a tyranny of victories in gubernatorial races since 2002. The midterms will include Democrat, U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock, back on the ballot who defeated incumbent Kelly Loeffler in Georgia’s runoff 2020-21 seat for Senate. Abram’s platform for “opportunity and success in Georgia” is summarized by her declaration of “One Georgia.” Abrams, who is a former Democratic leader in the Georgia House of Representatives is also a possible future White House Candidate with influential footholds in politics, lucrative book deals and a tour that just wrapped up. Democrats believe that President Biden’s electoral victory last year and a state being represented by two Democrats in the Senate, creates a platform for Democrats to become the echelon in the state.

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