Enough is Enough: Black Lives Matter Movement

 'Enough is Enough': Black Lives Matter Movement

Black Lives Matter is a non-structured movement that fights for better treatment of Black People, such as police brutality and racial inequality, and injustices. The origin of the movement can be traced back to 2013. It was sparked by the exoneration of George Zimmerman after he murdered an unarmed African-American teen, Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman shot Martin in 2012 and was pardoned in 2013 despite having committed the heinous crime of murder (Luttrell, 2019). Martin was headed home from the convenience store after buying iced tea and candy. Zimmerman said that Martin looked suspicious, so he followed him. He aggressively started an altercation with Martin's young man, which ended in Martin being shot and murdered.

People around the world watched the video footage of the heinous crime. And this act was interpreted as an act of racism against African-Americans. Hence the hashtag, #BlackLivesMatter was created on Facebook to protest the release of Zimmerman without murder charges. The 'hashtag' protest spread fast on social media platforms. In 2014, two more unarmed African Americans were killed by police officers. Eric Garner was killed by the NYPD using a prohibited chokehold in Staten Island, New York, and Michael Brown was shot in Ferguson. The two officers involved in the killing of these two unarmed men were never formally charged. At this point, there was a public outcry, and  Black people averred that 'Enough is enough.' The 'hashtag' movement was back in full swing, and there was no stopping the supporters of The Black Lives Matter Movement. The movement was ignited by; Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi, and Patrisse Cullors (Maqbool, 2020). Demonstrations were held in both cities where the victims were killed and via social media platforms worldwide.

Black Lives Matter has evolved, and it has expanded from America to the whole world. Nations around the world are ardent supporters of the movement. The powerful force of action of the group was witnessed in 2020, after the killing of George Floyd, an African-American man. Floyd was killed by a police officer, Derek Chauvin of the Minneapolis police department. Chauvin knelt on George's neck for over 8 minutes. Floyd pleaded that he could not breathe, but the pleas fell on the deaf years of Chauvin and several accompanying police officers. Finally, Floyd succumbed to the full glare of the camera lens and eyewitnesses. Police brutality and injustices against African-Americans had reached the extremes, and the 'hashtag' movement was at it again. The Black Lives Matter movement took to the streets of America, and other nations of the world, to demonstrate against police brutality. An estimated 26 million people under the Black Lives Matter movement participated in the demonstration against George Floyd's killing. Black Lives Matter has been termed as one of the biggest protests in the history of America.

Explanation of the Movement
Racism is a historical injustice that dates back to the slavery period. The current forms of injustices experienced by African-Americans are pre-constructed and stereotyped in the minds of the oppressors. For example, there is a stereotype that Black people are inherently criminals. With such a preconception in mind, a racist police officer will take the life of an African American on the slightest provocation. Black Lives Matter is aimed at addressing the injustices faced by African-Americans in the hands of racists. When the movement started as a 'hashtag' movement, it could only air grievances through social media. However, the movement has gained traction, and it is involved in peaceful physical demonstrations such as the protests against George Floyd's killing.

On top of demonstrations, the movement creates awareness for the Black population living in America. African-Americans are sensitized about their security. The youth are informed on how to act in the event they are confronted by racist police officers. The movement calls for a sanity check of the police force. According to the movement, this can be done by controlling the funding of the police force. There is also a call to equip the police force with body cameras to record an arrest. If a police officer handles a suspect inappropriately, documented evidence would be available.

The Black Lives Matter movement also aims at improving the standards of living of African-Americans. They call for educational institutions and healthcare facilities located in a location heavily populated by African-Americans. The movement has partnered with researchers, protestors, and activists, and they have come up with 'campaign zero.' (Maqbool, 2020) Campaign Zero entails 10 sets of policy solutions to remedy situations such as police brutality on African-Americans. The policies also bridge the gap that exists between the government policies and the actions of the movement. The Black Lives Matter Movement is founded on the assumption that it can escalate to unprecedented levels if racial discrimination is unchecked.

Despite the expansiveness of the Black Lives Matter Movement, it lacks structured leadership. No one can be pointed out as the president or the leader of the movement. The people who started the 'hashtag' movement cannot be termed the leaders since they are no longer in control of the movement. The movement is more of a call joined by people who have had enough racial discrimination, and they cannot stomach it anymore. Black Lives Matter is a slogan that echoes; enough is enough.
Though the movement started in America, it has spread to other continents of the world due to the use of social media. The movement does not have headquarters, and people can post their views from any part of the world. As witnessed during George Floyd's demonstrations, people demonstrated from all parts of the world. The protestors were not coordinated from a central point, nor were they coordinated by a single individual. The 'hashtag' movement is not controlled by government agencies, and it is not funded by any form of government.

Opportunities of the Movement
The Black Lives Matter Movement has lived to serve its purpose. The purpose of the movement is to act as a watchdog against police brutality and racial discrimination against Black people. The movement has held demonstrations in instances where Black people have been subjected to police brutality, such as extra-judicial killings. For example, in 2014, the movement pushed for justice for Michael Brown. In 2020, the movement lit the world with the demand for justice for George Floyd. The officers involved were apprehended. Were it not for the movement, justice would not have been served for George Floyd.  And most recently for  Black Lives Matter has been protesting for justice for Jacob Black in Wisconsin.
The "Hashtag Movement" comes out strongly if an African-American has been exposed to racism. The organization has support from humanitarian non-governmental organizations from across the world. The finances to fund the movement's activities are donated by philanthropists and well-wishers. Black Lives Matter is the voice of racially segregated and oppressed African-Americans.

Barriers of the Movement
One of the main obstacles of the Black Lives Matter movement is that it lacks the backing of the Federal Government. There is no financial support from the government; therefore, activities of the movement are funded by donations. The government at times uses the brutal force of the police and military to stop protestors in the streets. For example, US President Donald Trump warned of stern action against protestors during George Floyd's demonstrations. Anti-riot police forcefully dispersed protestors.

The other obstacle facing the movement is the crop-up of counter-protest/movements. For instance, there are the; 'Blue Lives Matter,' and 'White Lives Matter Too and "All Lives Matter".  These movements were formed to combat the Black Lives Matter Movement. Lastly, the movement lacks authentic hierarchical leadership, which can lead to coordination issues. Online posts about Black Lives Matter can be misinterpreted or misused since there is no formal monitoring system.
Overall the Black Live Matter Movement has made efforts to reveal the injustices and inequalities in America being placed on African Americans. In addition, the movement has created a movement that is inclusive and has sent the message that this is not an African American problem; it is an American problem. Therefore, we all have to admit our wrongs and discuss the resolution to the historical disparities noted in the African American community.

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